Monday 18 January 2010


so this looks like one of those typical photobooth sessions where you pretend to look away while someone takes your photo (or in this case, yourself) but what REALLY HAPPENED was i was trying to take a picture of my homemadeLEMONADE and then tim said something to me and i was looking at the collage he was making. all of this sort of sounds like bullshit but i swear to god ITS THE TRUTH.
okay, regardless, the homemade lemonade:
my pops gave me a load of lemons when they brought me back to santa cruz. now two weeks has passed and neither tim or i used them so we decided the best thing to do would be make some lemonade! its way delicious and super fuckin' easy - duh. but really i made the lemonade because tim was skyping with his now brazilian girlfriend (by this i mean his girlfriend is in brazil, not that he got a actual brazilian girlfriend - which would be weird).
so now i am sippin' homemadelemonade, doing my random easy homeworks (such a cop out for the big stuff), watching Jackie Brown, and tim is collaging for his art class. even though its monday, this is a typical sunday-day. and finally, the day i catch up on my reading will be a wonderful day which will then be another day of being completely swamped by readings.

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random ramblings of a transfer student.