Sunday 25 October 2009

for CB

not as funny as your vid. mine are more like a series of secret pictures/vids of me in a living room with other peeple.!


Saturday 24 October 2009

the morning after ----

finally, after much lounging around, i made myself breakfast.
it was my first time making eggs over easy, and i would say that i made them pretty fucking well.
tortillas and a veggie burger for extra flavaflav. and now that i have had this monstrous breakfast my cupboards are begging for some food to be shelved on them. but heavy food shopping + bike for transportation = weak food shopping, so my cupboards will have to wait.
last night was interesting, to say the least. i meant to get video of tim explaining some weird ridiculous trip he has been on cos he seriously talks about it for ten minutes.
ALSO we went to bed a 4 am or something. and then at 9:30 tim was vacuuming; WHO DOES THAT? although our carpet doesn't look like its breeding any tiny carpet babies anymore. serious plus.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

ps. i want dis.
i'm kinda bummed. i go to one college and the teacher tells me my writing sounds like a piano being dragged down a staircase, then i got to the jc and i am like the goddess of writing - i can do no wrong and my essays are structure almost perfectly, and then i transfer to a big old UC and they suggest i get a writing tutor (okay, granted i got a B- on my paper, its not THAT sloppy) but like. whtf.
its probably just my surroundings, like tiny napa jc vs. big 300 person classes.
i gotta take a shower. my hair looks like i dumped a bunch of olive oil on it. FIRST i think i will make coffee. showers are for clean-bed-night-time.

Monday 19 October 2009

i did it,

i found my dream house, gunna live here with lots of kittykats:

Friday 16 October 2009


my lit class was cancelled today, which is not giving me plenty of time to get the gut of my paper out microsoft word before the weekend. sarah, jon, and mike b are coming down for the weekend to pick up and we are going to spend a couple of nights at jon's cabin in carmel. very exciting since i tend to dread weekends here, only because i know close to nobody. plus tim is working every night this weekend and chances are he'll just be hanging out with grace when he gets off work. ANYWAY.
i am sitting here, hoping to get a lot of my paper done before i ACTUALLY get distracted and all i can do is sit here and look at chase's snake. its using all its force to push against the walls of his cage, its trying desperately to escape his four walls. i hope he is just hungry so that he doesn't actually escape and end up curled up in some area of this apartment (ie. i don't want him in my room, like coiled up at the foot of my bed or something). i really hope chase feeds him, although he might be to stoned to remember. actually, its 1:30 pm and he hasn't even come out of his room. last night tim told me he was bipolar. which makes total sense cos he will mention something one minute and then, next thing you know, he's in his room with the door shut. anyway, its funny because when tim is not here chase and i don't really talk about anything and sort of stay in our respected areas and then tim comes home and we're all in the living room talking about something truly ridiculous.
speaking of which, living with tim is really not all bad (besides that one time i heard him and grace having sex). i just realized this is a really weird blog post. i also realized (not recently, like the second i opened the bloggerbrowser) that this is just another distraction and i only have an hour till i have to jump on the bus, go to class for an hour, and hopefully by then sarah, jon, and mike will be here.
i wish papers would just write themselves, i can totally format them in my head, think of everything i want to talk about, and then a computer takes all that information and then spits out a stellar paper.
so i think this is one of the XXXXXXXXL puppets. and i found them on my google reader, but i also forget what they were made for. i know it was for some kind of parade in a foreign country, but i forget why, ect. but FUCK . they are so huge and cool.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Sunday 11 October 2009

random craft-night with tim, slightly more manly than i've ever experienced .
drawing on coasters, banging hammers, destroying old speakers to gut out the insides and use them for something better.
also, you can't be artsy without weed? apparently.... pass.

Friday 9 October 2009

cloudy day.

i want to build things like these ^
looks easy enough.
i skipped my movie session for Lit last night to go see harald and maude with tim for $5, it was good to see it again. although, now i have to go to the library and watch my other movie... i don't know how long i will last today, this is seriously the worst sore throat i have ever had.
note to self: buy thermos for days like this.
i also have a paper due monday i haven't started :( ! yikes, it will get done, good or bad.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

find an ocean, sell your soul.

Sunday 4 October 2009

procrastination google-reader finds:

on a side note, this is my new dream home:


the cranberries reunion tour, !!! i'm counting down the days.


My photo
random ramblings of a transfer student.