Saturday 1 May 2010

whats the difference between me&you?

i was mitigating the fight, not fighting in it.
i had to stop simon from beating the shit out of time with some brass knuckles. both boys are emotionally unstable due to 1yr++ relationships.

on the plus side, this is from the art exhibit i went to today. it was a room full of 1,000 balloons. a room full of balloons, an adults play pin. +bbq, dericious.
to much unnecessary drama this evening. no doubt i will have to recap it all tomorrow morning over breakfast and ferris' day off.

goodnight, santa cruz.

ps. carmen, it wasn't yarn :) it was floss!!! i hemmed it with floss. haha. i had no other means of hemming. not sewing machine. no person to message the length of the dress/make my hem job straight.

pps. :DDD

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random ramblings of a transfer student.