Saturday 14 November 2009

thinking about:

1. getting my dad a SAMCRO shirt for christmas (BEST IDEA EVER!)
2. wallet made out of seat belts for layna (average idea, considering she upgraded her wallet size XL to accommodate checks)
3. Thanksgiving Break, meaning baking an apple-cranberrie pie for dessert!!! YUM-O!
4. What should I get my mother? She is crazy hard to shop for.
5. Watching The Maiden Heist which i just downloaded and looks fairly entertaining.
6. Tim would make me walk up a big fucking hill to get home after drinking beer and sangria.
7. I really, really, really, really, really, really need to shower. I hate showering.
9. Get on top of homework.
10. Don't sweat cos your Lit teacher totally found your Midterm and you won't fail the class what so ever.
11. Find Villain outfit thats not super shitty. Nurse Ratched OR the nothing from the Never Ending Story. (this totally depends on the goodwill/salv arm selection).
12. Take a shower, put on a movie, fall asleep.

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random ramblings of a transfer student.