Saturday 24 October 2009

the morning after ----

finally, after much lounging around, i made myself breakfast.
it was my first time making eggs over easy, and i would say that i made them pretty fucking well.
tortillas and a veggie burger for extra flavaflav. and now that i have had this monstrous breakfast my cupboards are begging for some food to be shelved on them. but heavy food shopping + bike for transportation = weak food shopping, so my cupboards will have to wait.
last night was interesting, to say the least. i meant to get video of tim explaining some weird ridiculous trip he has been on cos he seriously talks about it for ten minutes.
ALSO we went to bed a 4 am or something. and then at 9:30 tim was vacuuming; WHO DOES THAT? although our carpet doesn't look like its breeding any tiny carpet babies anymore. serious plus.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

yumtown we better cook when i come visit!!! also i cant cook also also my aunt called me after i told her i cant cook via email and gave me a lecture and told me that she would make me cook when i go to minnesota for tanksgiving!hahahah


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random ramblings of a transfer student.