Wednesday 28 May 2008

i'm thinking :/

i want this one. i think.

this is besides the point, 
i had the most intriguing conversation today. i am not the only one that is bored with this place. maybe its because i don't have access to prestigious academic courses so all i've learned this year has been very minimal. but, if you turn your head the other way i think i've learned a lot. i learned more about reality rather than expanding on intellectual concepts. 
i feel like a test rat, running in and out of my cubical, being tested on various subjects. i would just like to be free of it all. i want to live in a cabin in the woods, shoot squirrels, smoke cigarettes, listen to records, and feel the wind in my hair. 
sort of like this:


Carmen said...

Count me in!!! sans shooting squirrels

however we might have to put on plays in said cabin because i doubt there is a lot of work for a costume designer out in the woods:)

faultamaticanne said...

that can be arranged!!!!


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random ramblings of a transfer student.